Monday, September 26, 2016

Dosha’s Do's And Don't's

As I study the Doshas I find it fascinating how many of the attributes fit me when I am in that Dosha imbalance.  For instance,  I recognize this sentence from our training manual.  “Vata is so sensitive and quick to change that it easily falls prey to over stimulation.  Vata people thrive on variety, but when thing change too much, their excitement turns to exhaustion.”  Aha, I can do that and the process is a lot of fun, until I crash.  “The remedy is to begin to cultivate balanced habits, paying a little more attention to regularity every day.”  That’s me.

The key to balancing Pitta dosha is moderation, making sure you don’t push yourself too hard.  Pitta is gifted with the most innate drive, aggression and energy.  Pittas already know how to be serious; they need the tonic of laughter more than any other type.  Lighten up, Pitta

The key to balancing the Kapha dosha is stimulation.  By nature, Kapha Dosha is steady and slow which leads to dependability and strength.  Kaphas need to make a conscious effort to seek new experiences.  They need to be conscious to not over eat and to minimize the sweets.  Regular exercise is important as well as getting up early.

You see, it is not easy to balance our doshas.  The important part is to learn what it will take in each case, recognize when there is an imbalance and do your best to create the healthy habits that support balance.  

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