Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Let's do YOGA!

Yoga comes from the ancient Auyravedic tradition of India in 1500 BC.  About seventy years ago it was introduced to the US and since then has become very popular.  It is almost a sport in some studios.  Personally, I prefer to follow a more traditional way of doing yoga which makes it slow and meditative in form.  I find that it is actually a bit more taxing on my body and strengthens me more by following this sort of practice as well as making it more meditative. 

Asana is the Sanskrit word for Posture.  Let’s stand up and get started with a simple forward fold.  That sounds easy enough, doesn’t it?  It is important to me that my posture is supportive of what I am doing in each movement so I won’t injure myself while I am doing the poses.  I believe it is helpful to learn how to do the poses correctly from the start for that very reason.  

I plant my feet on the floor hip width apart and I pay attention to how I stand.  I place my feet straight ahead putting pressure on the ball of my big toe.  I push the feet apart as if I am tearing the mat.  It will probably feel like you are pigeon toed but it will put your knees in line with your hips and everything will work together better.  Take my word for it. 

I let myself bend forward all relaxed like a rag doll.  I hang there for a few seconds and let my head swing into little yes movements.  Then I like to grasp my calves and pull myself into an even deeper fold.  I love how that feels.  I take a deep breath in and let it out as I grasp my ankles and straighten my back.  This is a standing forward arch.  I breathe in, coming up slowly bringing my arms up overhead with fingers spread.  I close my fingers into a prayer position and come down to my heart.  Two more times I reach up and then back to my heart.  I breathe in as I reach up.  Once more.  Look, you’re doing yoga.  Who knew it could be so easy?  www.gobodhiyoga.com

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