I am fascinated by what is going on in brain research these days. I just read Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Daniel G. Amen, M.D. and learned that doing yoga and mediation are two ways to change your brain. Not long ago, scientists said the brain couldn’t change. When we reached maturity we had a certain amount of brain matter that would diminish as we aged and there wasn’t anything we could do about it.
Fortunately for us, research has proven that there are things we can do to change and improve our brains for our entire lives. How, you ask? Well, we all know we should eat our spinach and get adequate sleep, drink water and move our bodies.
I’ll let you deal with your nutrition and sleep. Let’s talk about yoga and meditation for our minds and bodies.
Studies show that meditation actually builds new brain cells. Yoga is a meditative practice as well as a physical one. Yoga builds brain cells, too. One of the benefits I find is that yoga lifts my mood. The gray days of winter in Utah Valley influence me less than they used to before yoga and meditation. You can be sure that I will fight for every little brain cell I can build and use to keep me from sliding into dementia and lethargy any time soon. Join me in the fight and come to yoga with me at Bodhi Yoga in Provo. www.gobodhiyoga.com Or you can call me for a private session.
I love your wise wonderful words! This is lovely.